Do Root Canals Contribute to Your Chronic Health Issue?

by | Oct 13, 2023 | root canals

Root canals have long been a subject of debate, with various opinions and theories surrounding their potential impact on overall health. Some individuals believe that root canals can contribute to chronic health issues, while others consider them a safe and essential dental procedure. In this blog, we will explore the connection between root canals and chronic health issues, examining the myths, facts, and the importance of making informed decisions regarding your dental health.

Understanding Root Canals

A root canal is a dental procedure performed to treat and save a severely infected or damaged tooth. It involves the removal of the tooth’s pulp (the inner soft tissue), cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and then sealing the tooth. Root Canal Therapy is typically recommended when the tooth’s pulp becomes infected due to deep decay, a cracked tooth, or injury.

Myths and Misconceptions

  • Root Canals Cause Chronic Illness: One of the most common misconceptions is that root canals can cause chronic health issues. Some claim that residual bacteria in the treated tooth can lead to systemic infections. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.
  • Removal of Teeth is Safer: Some people opt for tooth extraction over a root canal because they believe it is a safer option. In reality, preserving your natural tooth through a root canal is generally the preferred and more conservative approach, as it helps maintain your overall oral health and function.
  • Toxic Root Canal Materials: Another myth suggests that the materials used in root canals, particularly the filling materials, are toxic and harmful to health. Modern dental materials are rigorously tested and proven to be safe for patients.

Facts and Evidence

  • Effective Treatment: Root canals are a highly effective dental procedure for saving teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted. They have a success rate of around 90-95%.
  • No Scientific Link to Chronic Illness: Extensive scientific research has found no direct link between root canals and chronic health issues. The idea that they contribute to conditions like heart disease, arthritis, or cancer lacks credible scientific support.
  • Bacteria Removal: Root canals involve thorough cleaning and disinfection to remove bacteria from the affected tooth. Dentists take numerous precautions to ensure the tooth is free from infection.
  • Preservation of Natural Teeth: Root canals help maintain your natural dentition, which is crucial for proper chewing, speech, and overall oral health.
  • Pain Relief: Root canals are often performed to relieve severe pain caused by dental infections. By addressing the source of pain, they can improve a patient’s overall well-being.

Making Informed Decisions

When it comes to root canal procedures, it’s crucial to make informed decisions based on reliable information and professional advice. If you have concerns about your dental health, consult with a trusted dentist or endodontist. They can provide you with an accurate diagnosis, discuss your treatment options, and address any questions or apprehensions you may have.


Root canals are a safe and effective dental procedure designed to save teeth and alleviate pain caused by infection or damage. The idea that they contribute to chronic health issues is largely based on myths and misconceptions. Your Phoenix dentist is your best resource for understanding your specific dental needs and making informed decisions regarding your oral health. So, if you’re experiencing dental pain or discomfort, consult a dental professional to explore your treatment options and ensure your long-term oral and overall health.


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